God or Family: What Does Your Life Say About Your Legacy?

Episode 50 January 12, 2025 00:15:33
God or Family: What Does Your Life Say About Your Legacy?
Why Not U
God or Family: What Does Your Life Say About Your Legacy?

Jan 12 2025 | 00:15:33


Hosted By

Derrick Wells

Show Notes

God or Family: What Does Your Life Say About Your Legacy? What kind of legacy are you building? In this video, I tackle the profound question: What does your life say about your legacy?

Your legacy isn’t just about what you leave behind—it’s about how you live today. Join me as I dive into practical, faith-based insights to: - Prioritize God in your life and relationships. - Take bold steps of faith to fulfill your God-given purpose. - Lead with integrity and create a ripple effect of impact. - Shift your focus to an eternal perspective that glorifies God.

Whether you're feeling stuck, uncertain, or just ready to grow deeper in your faith, this video is here to challenge and inspire you. Let’s start building the legacy God created you to leave! What’s one step of faith you’ll take today to build your legacy?

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Episode Transcript

[00:00:00] Loyalty to God come before your loyalty to your family. [00:00:03] Now, our legacy isn't just about us. It's about that ripple effect Our obedience creates. The lives that. That you touch, the. The faith that you pass on, the impact that you'll never see. [00:00:16] Now, today, I'm diving into something that I promise will challenge you, stretch you, and maybe even step on your toes just a little bit, but in the best way possible. [00:00:27] Because I'm talking about your legacy. Yes. Because whether you realize it or not, you're leaving one. Absolutely. And it's good or bad. But let me. Let me just warn you up front, because this conversation isn't for the faint of heart. I'm here to challenge you to reflect on your relationship with God and how it shapes the legacy you're building. [00:00:47] So if you're ready for some real talk, grab your Bible. [00:00:51] Yep, I got mine. A journal. And let's get started. Let's go. [00:00:57] Because what does your life actually say about your legacy? [00:01:03] Really? Let's just start with that question. Is your life. Is your life right now reflecting the plans God has for you? Now, I'm not just talking about the plans you've made. I'm talking about the vision God has shown you. You know, maybe he's giving you a glimpse of your purpose, or maybe you already know what it is or that you know that he's asking you to do. Because you spend some time in the word praying and asking and seeking. [00:01:29] But if you're being honest, are you stepping into it? And I know that could be one of the hardest things to do, is just step into it. Especially when you've been doing something for so long, and all of a sudden God is saying, all right, I need you to move. [00:01:47] I need you to take action doing something else. So are you sitting on the sideline making excuses? [00:01:56] Because taking bold steps for God can definitely be uncomfortable. And it's scary to leave what's. What's familiar. [00:02:03] But here's the truth. If we never, or you never experience the fullness of what God has for you, it. [00:02:18] It'll come from you not trusting him and refusing to move. [00:02:24] Let's go to James 2. 26 real quick. [00:02:28] We got this Bible, so, you know, it's time to use it. [00:02:32] James 2. 26. [00:02:35] Here we go. Here we go. [00:02:37] As a body without spirit is dead, so. So faith without works or deeds is dead. [00:02:45] Now, your legacy is. Isn't built on good intentions. It's built on action and faith. [00:02:52] It's built on action and faith. [00:02:55] But here's. Here's where it gets a little, little spicy. Because when you think about, when you think about everything that you have going on in your life, sometimes you just get consumed with daily tasks, family stuff, work, travel, business, whatever it is. Let me just ask you this, this one, this one question. [00:03:19] And it's gonna, it's gonna make you squirm just a little bit. And it's, it's more of a, it's that loyalty, that loyalty dilemma that we all face sometimes. And it's. Does, does our loyalty to God come before our loyalty to our family or is it the other way around? [00:03:39] Now, before you come asking me, you know, jamming me up on, you know, with some negative comments or whatever, you know, just, just hear me out because I know some people have put their family above everything else, even God. And while family is incredibly important, here's the thing. Without God, you wouldn't even have a family. [00:03:59] You wouldn't even have a family. [00:04:02] Let's go to Matthew 10:37. [00:04:05] Here we go, we're getting it. In Matthew 10:37, Jesus was straight to the point on this one. Anyone who loves their father or mother more than me is not worthy of me. Anyone who loves their son or daughter more than me is not worthy of me. [00:04:26] Those words, I think, first of all, when you just think about how Jesus was talking, it just makes you sound, or makes it sound like he's cold blooded. [00:04:37] His words are tough, right? His words are tough. But Jesus, what he said is when you prioritize him, everything else, your family, your relationships, your work will fall into his rightful place. [00:04:52] Because one thing I want you to really know is that he has no competition. So let me ask you again. Are you, are you putting God first or are you using your family as an excuse to neglect him? Think about it, think about that. Because your legacy actually matters. [00:05:10] But also your legacy isn't about you. It's about the people God has called you to impact. Your family, your community, the people that you've never met, that you've never met. Just think about. [00:05:23] Because you've took, you've taken the time to invest in somebody, you shared the gospel with them, and now all of a sudden this person becomes bold, sharing Christ and he's saved in lives. [00:05:37] You just never know how God is going to use you or what your words can actually do to impact somebody else. As far as inspiring and inspiring and influencing them to take bold action to be somebody that God has actually called them to be. But because of you, it's those seeds that you sow, right? You Just never know. Let's go to Ephesians. Ephesians 2, 10 says, but we are God's handiwork, created in Christ Jesus to do good works, which God prepared in advance for us to do. [00:06:14] That actually takes you back to Jeremiah where God actually says, I know the plans that I have for you. Plans to prosper, not to harm you, right? But when, when we, when we hear this Jesus, that just all, all this means is that we were made with a purpose. But here's the thing. If you don't step into that purpose, you're not just missing out. Others are missing out on the blessings God wants to bring through you. [00:06:45] So let me make it plain. [00:06:48] When, when you and I neglect God's calling, we're risking our legacy. [00:06:56] We're risking it. Proverbs 13:22. Let's go there. Let's go, let's go. [00:07:03] 22, 22. A good person leaves his. Leaves an inheritance for their children's children. [00:07:11] Okay? So I wanna, I wanna just. [00:07:18] I don't know, because this one right here, when I think about like leaving an inheritance for somebody I know, my father, he left me some money and when he left it for me when he passed away, I hit my financial advisor up and I was like, here, take this money and put it in. And so we had. That's what I end up doing. But of course, I was older at the time. There's no telling what I would have done if I was younger. But that just brings me to a point where, why it's so important to actually raise people or raise our, our youth, our family members, to actually have one, invest in them, to actually make them become more proactive with learning and also knowing, look, this is like a family business because in order for you to actually get something that I work so hard for, you're gonna have to invest in yourself. [00:08:14] Which takes me to another point, why so many people have live and trust, or just trust in general, right? Because you're not just gonna give your money or your inheritance to somebody that you know is going to squander. And it's. Were it'd probably end up calling, causing more damage than anything to that person. Because now all of a sudden they have this, this money and all of a sudden they just want to keep up with the Joneses. They want the, the latest shoes, pair of shoes, purses, whatever. They want this glamorous lifestyle, they want to travel. [00:08:45] And you think about all those people who actually won the lottery and squandered it, talking about millions of dollars and there's other people have done the same thing. But it's so important to actually train and teach, spend time so people actually have and can actually take an active role in the family business. [00:09:09] But of course, you know, this scripture isn't, it's, I mean, it's not even, it's not only talking about like the material blessings that, that comes with an inheritance because we're talking about something more important, which is that, that spiritual inheritance, like the faith and the wisdom in the life that points others to Christ. I know, I just kind of went off on a tangent, but here we are. Here we are. [00:09:38] But it's so important just to, to build that legacy, right? So how do, how do you build that legacy? And that honors God? [00:09:48] Let's go, let's get into it. First. We have to put God first. Start your relationship with him. Spend time in prayer and worship and, and his words. [00:09:58] Because I know it's, you know, a lot of times we, we feel like we don't have time to do the menial task, the things that matter the most to us. But I could just ask yourself this question because I know for myself sometimes I could get in a zone where I haven't read as much or in depth Bible study, but I know when I, when I do that and I spend that time, I feel so much better. I have like a peace. I don't know, it's like the things that, that actually come, that I'm actually confronted with, doesn't bother me as much because I'm already prayed up and I don't allow the outside noise or distractions dictate my joy. And so I, I'm. I'm. I'm able to manage my thoughts better because of that. [00:10:44] But when I get to a place where I'm just out of pocket, it's because I haven't picked this up enough or read through it enough. You, sometimes you just can't be reading through this. But like, okay, let's just go back to that one. Let's, let's just read something real quick. Good judgment is. Wins favor, but the way of the unfaithful leads to their destruction. Okay, you just can't read that and be like, okay, I get it, I'm done. Sometimes you just need to spend some time meditating on some of this stuff. But let's go to the next one. Let's take some action. Let's stop waiting for the perfect moment. Faith grows when we move. If we wait for the perfect thing or, or the, the perfect timing, nothing will actually happen. I'm just. Man, there's so many people that I know who are, who've actually got to a place just by trial and error. Trial and error, trial and error. They're not waiting for perfection. But sometimes when you actually move, you move, you take an action, you learn from it. Let me take these lessons that I just learned. Apply those lessons now, implement them into this next phase. There we go. Let's go. Let's keep. Get rid of that perfection mindset. Let's leave with integrity, because our actions matter, especially when no one else is watching. Just because you're in the dark, just because nobody else is around, don't feel like you could. You're getting away with something because God is always watching. And that takes me back to trying to remember, which I can't remember the. The passage off the top of my head. But it's when Aaron's. I'm sorry, Moses's brother Aaron and his sister were actually conspiring against Moses. God heard him and he confronted them about it. He was like, listen, why are you conspiring against my servant Moses when he is somebody that I actually had face to face conversation with? You're speaking out alignment. And so because of this, this is going to happen to you. So what happened? Moses's sister got inflicted with leprosy for six days, six or seven days. [00:12:46] Just don't, don't think that God isn't paying attention, because he is. [00:12:51] Keep it moving. Let's keep an internal perspective. Focus on what will matter in eternity, not just the here and now. [00:12:59] So remember, just leaving a legacy isn't about being perfect. It's about being faithful. It's about showing up, trusting God, and letting him use you like he's supposed to use you. [00:13:16] Allow him to use you like he wants to use you. Trust me. Look, I know this can, can feel heavy because as I was going through this, I was like, man, this is kind of deep. It's kind of heavy when you think about it. You know, you got family, you got friends, you got work, and you have God, the One who made everything possible so we can have those relationships, so we can have the family, so we can have the job. [00:13:39] But let me lighten the mood for y'all just a little bit, because sometimes I think we just need to laugh. So y'all remember this phrase? I know y'all do. Excuses are like armpits. Everyone has them and they all stink. So stop letting those excuses keep it. Keep you from doing what God has for you. [00:13:59] Your legacy is at stake. But here's the good news? Because there's always good news. You don't have to figure it out on your own. God is with you. He's equipping you and me. So all he's asking is that you trust him and you take the next step. [00:14:16] So here's a challenge for you. What's one thing you can do this week to start building a righteous legacy? Maybe it's spending more time in prayer. Maybe it's taking that step of faith you've been avoiding. But whatever it is, do it. And watch how God begins to move in your life. [00:14:33] Watch. [00:14:35] I guarantee you're gonna see some. You're gonna see some things that appeared impossible become possible. [00:14:44] I just want to thank y'all for tuning in to another episode of why not you, boy. I appreciate y'all, and I'm having fun doing this. But listen, if this message spoke to you, don't forget to like and subscribe and share with someone who needs to hear it. Let's build these legacies that glorify God and impact generations to come. I'll see y'all in the next video. Until then, y'all stay intentional, stay faithful, and keep shifting toward the person God has created you to be. I'm D. Wells. Why not you? Why not you? All right, Sa.

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