John Dozier is a man who is clearly operating in the faith zone, not the safe zone. What he has done in serving his community and country locally and internationally, is just one aspect of his life. He has traveled all over the world touching the lives of those he comes in contact with through service and meeting people where they are. He's now hanging in Colombia where he has continued living by faith and influencing others. JD’s ability to connect and meet people where they are is his Super Power. Join me as I talk with JD in this episode of Why Not U.
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In this episode of Why Not U... I am joined by the amazing TammyRenee Maxwell who is a Speaker, Author, Podcaster, and Personal Discovery...
“I need to depend on Someone who is bigger, stronger and wiser than I am. I don’t do it on my own. God is...
Ron Gay is a coach, father and a poet. He has aligned himself with his higher power to identify his purpose and passion.You never...