Yoel’s Quest for Divine Truth: Exiting the Watchtower to Walk with God (P2)

Episode 32 May 23, 2024 00:45:12
Yoel’s Quest for Divine Truth: Exiting the Watchtower to Walk with God (P2)
Why Not U
Yoel’s Quest for Divine Truth: Exiting the Watchtower to Walk with God (P2)

May 23 2024 | 00:45:12


Hosted By

Derrick Wells

Show Notes

Welcome to the Why Not U podcast! In this episode, I am continuing my conversation with Yoel Yisrael, and we dive deep into a discussion about the necessity of aligning one’s dreams with talents, discerning God’s direction, and understanding that every rejection is an opportunity for growth. Be ready to be inspired as we examine how embracing change and following God’s calling can lead us to live our true potential and ensure that even small successes can have great significance. Tune in to be inspired and motivated on your path to personal and professional fulfillment!

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Episode Transcript

[00:00:00] Speaker A: Hey, this is your host E. Wells of why not you? And we are back for part two as we continue our conversation with brother Yoel Ben Israel. And we're going to dive into the necessities of just aligning one's dreams with talents. How worrying can affect us, but also discerning God's direction and understanding that every rejection is an opportunity for growth. So be ready to be inspired as we examine how embracing change and following God's calling can lead us to our life of our true potential. Ensure that even the small successes can have great significance. It's time to get in this conversation with Brother Yoel. Let's go. [00:00:38] Speaker B: Welcome to another episode of why not you? With your host Derek Wells, where we talk with leaders and entrepreneurs who are doing what they love to do. They'll share insights into overcoming adversity, the systems they use, along with the power of personal growth, faith and much more. Our goal is to empower you with personal growth, faith, and a plan for ultimate success. Now here's Derek with another life changing story. [00:01:09] Speaker A: That was just a lesson for me right there. I was like, you know what, maybe I need to go back and I just need to pray about life. [00:01:21] Speaker C: He's like, wait a minute, what does. [00:01:25] Speaker D: It God really want me to do with? Why not you? The podcast, even though I'm actually beginning to shift it, right? [00:01:32] Speaker A: So it's more, more faith and more intentional about that. But at the same time it's like, wow. I mean, you hit the nail on the head where, you know, we all have like different gifts and it actually talks about that in scripture. I can't remember where Paul talked about everybody. You know, we got the gift of whether it's the teaching apostles to be something, to be pastors or whatever. And so if you just take that out a step further, you know, some people have the gift of baking, some people have the gift of talking or praying. Some people have that gift of just connecting with people or, or just being patience or just being a good listener and providing some kind of advice. But you never know unless you actually take a leap or take a step of faith and pursue some of the things that you're actually passionate about. Otherwise, yeah, you will be stymied by Satan because he gonna put these self limiting beliefs on you and you're gonna begin to believe it and you're gonna feel like, man, do I really have any value? Or I was raised, I was raised in this environment and my environment was like this, or I was told this so many times, he just beat me down and now I don't believe. But then when you tie it or you connect with God, and he's like, look, you looking at the wrong source. I'm your source. [00:02:56] Speaker D: Give me that burden. Give me that burden so I can take it off your shoulder, you know? Say it. [00:03:00] Speaker C: Yes, sir. Yes, sir, man. Yes, man. That is the man. You know, like, psalm 55 22 talks about that. Talks about us casting our anxieties, casting our stress, our burdens on him, man, because he would not allow the righteous to be moved. But he also, like, he cares. He truly does care about us. And, you know, it tripped me up, man, when the messiah tells us in Matthew six to not worry about your life, for the life, for the life of me, brother, like, I could just not wrap my mind around those words because I'm like, how can I not worry about my life? Like, what am I gonna drink today? What am I gonna eat? What I'm. What am I gonna wear? Like, that just seems so detached from reality, especially living here in America. Yeah, because it's like, man, like, you know, like, we. America preaches to me to, you know, to hustle and to grind and to, you know, put. Put me first. And we live in this capitalistic society where it's like, resources can be. Can be scarce. And so how can I not worry if there's a pandemic going on or like, there's a recession going on or in 2008, the housing bubble burst and all these things going on. So how can I not worry when everything that's going around in America is telling me to worry? But what's interesting, but what finally helped me to, I believe, have at least a more significant understanding of what he was saying, is that when you're in America, America grooms us to worry. When you're in a capitalistic society where to get rich, you got to capitalize off the poor, and basically, you're all about private ownership and you're all about yourself. You got this me first mentality. That's not how it is when you become a citizen of heaven. Because within a kingdom, there's this thing, there's this economic system called common wealth, where the wealth is common, and the king cares about his citizenry, so much so that he cares about Derek Wells personal welfare, and he cares about my personal welfare to the effect that to every law abiding citizen, we don't have to be jealous of each other. We don't have to covet each other, because the wealth is common to each and every one of us, and we all have access to it, as long as we will be in law abiding citizens. So the king will take care of each and every one of us. And so now it helps me to see that, oh, like, I have to really learn more about this government called the kingdom of heaven, because this is the only government that's not corrupt, and this is the only king. This is the only king who. He owns the entire earth. And so that changes the game for me, because since the king of heaven owns the entire earth, this now puts us in a position of omnidirectional provision where our provision can come from any direction. It doesn't just have to come from a job or from a direct deposit. Him owning the earth means that he owns every resource, every dollar bill, every, like all the. All the Benjamins, everything, like all the bags that we're trying to. That we're trying to secure for ourselves. He owns all that stuff. And so he can shift any. Anything and any resource that he wants to, to bless his citizenry, to protect his holy name. And so as long as we. As long as I am. As long as I place my full allegiance to the american government, I'm going to continue to worry myself into an early grade. But unless I switch governments, unless I switch citizenships and see that, okay, I'm under the jurisdiction of heaven and my king is going to take care of me. That's how I can finally, finally, like, just breathe that sigh of relief and say, you know what? I don't have to worry because he's going to provide for me in a limitless amount of different ways. And so I don't know who that was for, but, yeah, like, there's a. There's there these words that are in scripture. They are really for our good man, and they are to give us peace. When America, or wherever you stand at, is the objects around you, the environment, the economy is looking crazy. [00:08:03] Speaker A: Yeah. [00:08:04] Speaker C: You have peace knowing that if you submit to this government, then the king will take phenomenal care of you. [00:08:11] Speaker A: Right. And especially, I mean, you just, you go back and you look at where it says, we are ambassadors of Christ. [00:08:19] Speaker C: Yes. [00:08:21] Speaker A: People really need to look up that, that word ambassador and identify and figure out, like, what does that really mean? [00:08:29] Speaker D: Because when you find out what that means, that you are connected. [00:08:32] Speaker A: Oh, you set you good to go. [00:08:33] Speaker D: But at the same time, you got to represent what you taking care of. Like you said you taken care of. Yeah. [00:08:40] Speaker C: Yes, sir. [00:08:42] Speaker A: So we're, so we're doing the, you know, you got the podcast and you writing books and then you got the content. Which of those. Which of those brings you, like, the most fulfillment? [00:08:55] Speaker D: What's your go to? Which one you like the most? [00:08:59] Speaker C: Man, oh, man, that is a great question. I was thinking about this, man. Between podcasting, between writing the book, and between hosting a website. You know what? For me, writing. Writing definitely takes the cake for me, because what I. What I realized about my. Myself, brother Derek, is, and I believe that the apostle Paul says this to. To an effect, is that I am. I am bolder in text than I am in speech. And so, like, when I'm writing out something, and, like, this is why my friends get on me, because it's like, you know, like, I don't. I don't like talking on the. On the telephone. Like, I love to text. Like, I text you back in a. In a hot second, like, I'll text a whole paragraph as opposed to being on the phone for an hour. [00:10:07] Speaker D: Yeah. [00:10:08] Speaker C: Like, and I don't know, like. Like, maybe that's the millennial in me. Maybe that's. That's the writer in me. I'm like, look, I'll just see you a text and see you in a moji, and, like, will be all good. But, like, writing for me, man, like, I feel like when I write, I'm able to be bolder, and I'm able to. I just get joy and a lot of euphoria out of being able to craft a sentence, to be able to craft a paragraph, to use different rhetorical skill, to use different words, poetry, even similes, metaphors, analogies, and to have this tapestry of text to get this point across now specifically for the kingdom. And so. And also, too, like, when I write, doctor Michael Eric Dyson said this, too. He's like, when I write, I surprise myself because I'm like, I didn't think that I thought that he said that. Sometimes I don't really know what I'm thinking until I'm writing it out and I see that for myself, I'm like, wow, I didn't know that that was in the recesses of my mind, that I thought that way. And so it really does help me to flesh out what I'm really thinking about and those thoughts that are packed away within my mind that come to the forefront and through the vehicle of writing something. And so, for me, man, like, like, like, like, writing, um, is, uh, definitely where I find the most euphoria, the most joy. And, yeah, that's why I'm, uh, so glad that, like, I finally got a chance to write this book. Um, uh, thoughts of. Thoughts of a kingdom, citizen of the earth needs heaven because it helped me to, um, finally put together and to share with people what I believe now. And, I mean, it's basically me just bragging on yahweh, man. It's me boasting and bragging on our creative man. That's basically what it is. Him bringing me from where I was point a to point b, where I am now. And so, yeah, for me, man, writing, that definitely is where I find the most peace, the most joy, and the most euphoria. Okay. Yeah. Like, that's, like, that's. I love merging the pin with the sword of the word and just letting that just be the avenue to advance heaven. [00:12:54] Speaker A: Yeah. And it's nothing like just sitting down writing and reflecting, because that's when things start to transpire and some of these ideas or just things of. Just expressions of whether it's, you know, gratitude, thankfulness. [00:13:12] Speaker C: Yes, sir. [00:13:13] Speaker A: Things that you could have done better or just kind of gives you, like, the opportunity also just to kind of reassess and think about, man, what did I do today? And how did I really make an impact? Or what lessons did I learn? [00:13:28] Speaker C: There were a lot of lessons, and. [00:13:30] Speaker D: Next thing you know, man, you got a book just based off of you, what your thoughts were. [00:13:37] Speaker C: That's right, man. That's right, man. Yeah. Like, that is, like, that is my passion. That's my gift, and I enjoy working that. That writing, muscle man, like, it truly is. I was looking and researching, like, how to become a better writer, and I got some rather unorthodox advice that I. That really took me by surprise. The guy said, I saw this. I was on YouTube. The guy said, to become a better writer, you need to read. And if you want to become an even better writer, read some more. And I was like, that is very interesting. But now I get it, because when you read, it opens you up to all these different thoughts and worldviews and language to help you to, um, really crystallize what you're thinking and to get it out there in a way that can really resonate with somebody's soul or somebody's spirit. So, yeah, he's like, yeah, man. Like, if you want to become a better writer, man, read, read and read some more. [00:14:43] Speaker D: You have to. [00:14:45] Speaker C: Yes, sir. [00:14:46] Speaker D: So speaking of reading with it, when it comes to, uh, like, just personal. [00:14:51] Speaker A: Development and investing in yourself, like, how important is that to you? And what kind of. And what kind of books are you reading? [00:14:59] Speaker C: Oh, man. That is. That is. That is. That is so important. It is so crucial for, because I think about the, the good news message, man, about like, how I have to repent every single day. I have to change my mindset every single day. I have to, um, adopt this new way of thinking so that I can function in harmony, that the way that the kingdom of heaven is functioning. And so, man, like, this may seem like, super duper obvious to the listenership listening, but I definitely read the Bible because what I'm realizing is that, and in order for me to change my mindset, in order for me to be able to invest in this self amelioration, the self improvement and personal development, I need some new ideas. But that can be tricky because we live in the age of information and we can just hop on YouTube, we got these supercomputers called our cell phones. All we gotta do is just tap and we have this, just this deluge, this waterfalls, and we can be just inundated with information. And so what I'm realizing is that I need some new ideas, but I have to go to the, to the right source. And when I go to the Bible, I realized that the king of heaven begins to download within me these heavenly ideas that I need to be able to really be transformed. So, like, when a heavenly idea would be when the Messiah says, you know, you all, you all heard about the command, the command where it says, you know, to not murder people, right? But he also goes on to say that, but I'm telling you all not to not even nurse anger against your brother or sister for no reason. He talks about, you know, like, not to like, knock him in adultery. You heard about, heard it said that you shouldn't commit adultery. But I'm telling you all to not even lust after another man's wife in your own mind. Because if you, if you did that, you've already committed to act within the, within the theater of your mind. And so I'm definitely like, just binge reading the Bible. And to supplement that, you brought up Doctor Miles Monroe. Like, I've been, man, just, just, man, just going to his books and reading his books, man, and trying to imbibe and trying to metabolize what he put within his books. Because what I realized is that when it came to the kingdom of heaven, I was just ignorant. Like, I have no idea, like, how a kingdom even operates. Like, me being born in America, America is all I know. So by the byproduct of that is democracy is all that I know, right? So it's like, man, like, I had to learn all about what I like to call kingdom literacy. So I had to learn, like, how kingdom works. And doctor miles, one of those books, they definitely helped me when it comes to, like, being educated, when it comes to, like, how kingdom functions. [00:18:21] Speaker D: Yep. Exactly. Yeah, he goes deep, man. He goes in, too, man. [00:18:25] Speaker C: He does. He does, man. He definitely does. [00:18:30] Speaker A: And from a good perspective, too. And his heart is pure, and he. He just explains it so simply just to kind of break it down. [00:18:37] Speaker C: Oh, no, no, I'm sorry. You're right. He does. Like, he breaks it down in such a beautiful way to where I found out that, like, there's so much. There's so much for me to learn, brother Derrick, about the kingdom. And he does it in a way where it's like there are all these principles, all these keys, all these different nuances and all these different intricacies as to how a kingdom works. And that's what I'm definitely supplementing my Bible reading with is by reading Doctor Miles Rose books. And also, like, by reading, like, I've been doing my best to learn the language of Hebrew also, because what I'm realizing is that this Bible that I'm reading, the Messiah and his disciples, they weren't, like, walking around, eating hot dogs and wearing baseball fitted caps and speaking American English. They were talking Hebrew. They were talking Aramaic. And so I'm supplementing my Bible study with that as well, too, because I'm finding out that if I want to really understand the original intent, the original authorial intent of scripture, then it behooves me to go back to the original language. And so that. That as well, too, like, has been just immensely showing me that, man. Like, I have. I have a lot to learn and I have a lot to unlearn when it comes to this beautiful kingdom called heaven. [00:20:17] Speaker D: Yeah, buddy. I think we both. And here we are. I mean, we. [00:20:26] Speaker A: And so you just think about, like, just how we met also just through a group on Facebook, right? And so you got, like, just a mix of people who are after the same thing, just doing things for the, you know, whether it's for the community, whether it's for their businesses, but it's all about just kind of adding value and being of service of some kind. How important is just, you know, just being around the right mix of people, positive associates, and being able to be in that environment where you just thrive. [00:21:05] Speaker C: Oh, man, that is so, so crucial. That is. That is, man, like, that is so key. I think about Adam, where he was in the right environment. He was in the garden of Eden, and he had everything that he needed to be able to flourish, to be able to thrive as a kingdom man. And he also had the right fellowship. I mean, what better fellowship can we have than fellowship with our creator, with our heavenly father? So he was able to fellowship intimately with King Yahweh. And he was also, he was in the right environment, like, he was in this utopia. Right, called the Garden of Eden. And so, like, that just goes to show me how, man. Like, it's so crucial and key for us to be. To have the right people around us, for us to have the right people pouring into us as well. Because I think whether we know it or not, everybody is preaching to us. Everybody has a message to us. Everybody is vying for our attention, for us to subscribe to their ideology, for us to subscribe to their doctrine, to their belief. And so fellowship is so key. And I want to bring this into the conversation as well, too, because I think that when we bring up the word fellowship, somebody is so, I think, cleaning up in their minds. In their mind. Zaya. Okay, well, they're talking about friends and people who I hang out with. And you're right. That's definitely one part of it, because we look at proverbs 1320. It talks about, if you walk with the wise, you'll become wise, but if you walk with the foolish, then you. [00:22:54] Speaker D: Know it's gonna happen. [00:22:57] Speaker C: Right? Exactly. Exactly, man. Like, like, that's. Like, that's not going to turn out the best way for you, right? But, like, fellowship, I believe also the apostle Paul was onto something when he said in first corinthians 1533 that evil communication can, can corrupt good behavior. When you, when you hop on your social media, when you listen to your favorite podcast, when you go to your favorite website, when you watch your favorite sitcom, your favorite reality show, your favorite movie, your favorite actor, what have you, these people. And because a lot of us have this parasocial dynamics with celebrities, we don't know who they are, but we feel like we know them because we can hop on IMDb and Google their bio, and we say, oh, I know Denzel Washington because I read about his bio. Or, like, I know Will Smith because I follow him on Instagram. And I, and I, and I double tap on his videos. And I I like his videos, but that's fellowship as well, too. And so people who we watch on tv, that we listen to music, is a huge, huge one. The people that we have talking to us, that's also a part and parcel of fellowship as well. And so it makes me think about the Garden of Eden, where Adam had the perfect environment, where he was flourishing the perfect fellowship, where he was flourishing with the king of heaven. But this evil communication snaked his way in and began to whisper things, whisper sweet nothings to his wife to get them off track. And when she began to lean into that conversation and she was like, man, like, like, huh? Like, this is an interesting thought. It's a very interesting idea. I like this podcast. She began to get off the right track, and she began to look at things like the children of the knowledge of good and evil, and she began to indulge into things that broke that fellowship and that caused them to be extricated from this utopian environment called the Garden of Eden, to now we find ourselves in the predicament that we are now. [00:25:20] Speaker A: Yeah. [00:25:21] Speaker C: And for me, it's like, man, like to put a shiny red bow on it. Just how a seed has to submit to the right environment of being in rich soil, how a fish has to submit to the right environment of being in water. We have to submit to the right environment and the right fellowship of being in heaven's environment. And that's why I think that if we are outside, and also I think this is why I have such a passion for the kingdom of heaven, because if you've ever seen a fish get taken out of water, that thing begins, it begins to flop around and it's looking crazy. And I feel like a lot of us, man, like, we think that we begin to become, I think, sometimes so sophisticated to where it's like, man, water is like, water is played out. I don't like, like, who needs water? Like we have, like, like we've been swimming in water for so long. Water is, you know, like, is boring. I see, I look, I see that. The same fish, the same plants, the same algae. I'm tired of water, brother Derek. I want to get, look, I want to get out this fish. I want to get out this ocean, start living like how y'all humans do. So the fish can, can leap out the water, but then, like, you feel that, that freedom, you feel that emotional high for a couple of seconds, but once you hit reality, you start to flop around, you start to malfunction. I feel like a lot of us, we feel like we cannot outsmart our creator, because if we're operating outside the kingdom of heaven, we are malfunctioning and we are flopping around like that fish. Even though we may have a bunch of Instagram followers, we may have clout, we may have a great bank account. But I feel like on a very solical level, we're still flopping around like that, fishing sand. And in a sense of where we're malfunctioning. We're malfunctioning because we're not in the right environment and we're not having the right fellowship with the people that the king of heaven wants us to fellowship with, man. [00:27:38] Speaker D: Yeah. [00:27:41] Speaker A: And I like that analogy, too, because when you think about, like, just being out of a thriving or, or conducive environment that's going to help you elevate and execute the things that you're going to do, you are, I mean, you're, you're easily influenced, and, and so you will be, you're gonna be flopping. [00:28:04] Speaker D: Just like you'll be flopping every which way. [00:28:09] Speaker A: You'll be flopping every which way except. [00:28:11] Speaker D: The right way, getting things done. You know what I'm saying? [00:28:14] Speaker C: So that's, yeah, that's good. [00:28:17] Speaker D: Yeah, that's hard. That's hard. [00:28:19] Speaker A: And, but one of the things about it also is that it keeps, it keeps you one accountable and it helps you devise a plan, because now you're going to be around people who actually care about you. And so, and if they care about you, they definitely don't want you to fail. [00:28:37] Speaker C: Yes. [00:28:38] Speaker A: And so they gonna be, they're gonna push you to do some things that you might not want to do, but it's best for you. It's best for you. And you just think about the different ways that God disciplines us. And, and sometimes it's, it's us getting in our own way and we make the stupid mistakes. Right. And so we just have to deal with the consequences. And we think, man, God is punishing me. No, you actually did it to yourself, homie. [00:29:01] Speaker D: That's what you just gotta do. [00:29:06] Speaker C: That is so true, man. That is so true. [00:29:11] Speaker D: It's so much. It's so much, but it's good. But I just got a couple more questions for you real quick, baby, before we bounce. [00:29:18] Speaker A: Yes, sir. I just saw, in this phase in your life, man, how would you actually define success? [00:29:26] Speaker C: Oh, man, this, this is beautiful. You know, this is excellent. I, in this phase of my life, I have to juxtapose it with how I used to view success. Because in earlier seasons of my, my life, in, like, earlier times, when I was a young adult, when I was a teenager, in my twenties, even, I viewed success as what America told me success was to the millennial generation, to generation Z. Somebody told me this, and I was like, man, like, you are onto something. They were saying that our generation suffers from this thing called OCD, obsessive comparison disorder where we hop on social media and we look at the highlight reel of other people's lives and like, I was totally doing this, man. Like, when I turned 18, because America tells me, like, when I turn 18, you seem like. Like you are supposed to have, um, your finances together. So you are supposed to have, uh, secured the bag, so to speak. You're supposed to have been married. You're supposed to have moved out of your parents house by now. You're supposed to have that, that house with that white picket fence and, um, that, uh, you know, you're supposed to have a wife and the baby and you're supposed to have the pet dog and you just ain't. Like, you're just supposed to meet these markers of success, these touchstones of success. But I wasn't there. And so I began to feel like, like crestfallen and depressed because I'm like, man, like, what am I doing wrong? Like, I feel like people out in the world who are just being wild and who don't care nothing about the Bible, who don't care nothing about is there a God? And they're serving the universe, they're doing all the type of things. I feel like they're living their best life, so to speak. And I'm just, you know, just over here just trying to be faithful. So over here just trying to read these scriptures. It's over here just, you know, just trying to try not to sin. But I feel like they're living life to the max. Yeah, but cut to now. I feel like how I would define success is the Messiah said this. He said that. He said this in Luke 1616, the law and the prophets will preach unto John. But now the kingdom of heaven is being preached and everybody is pressing their way into it. For me, I feel like success is seeing souls being saved into the kingdom of heaven. To me, like, that's the ultimate marker of success for me now, even if it's just one person who listens or listens to this podcast, listens to or gets a chance to read the book, and the holy spirit begins to, like King Yahweh, begins to pursue them and they begin to be wooed and won over by the culture of heaven. To see how beautiful it is, even if it's just one soul that get, that gets, that gets saved from being on that Broadway to just doing what you want to do and subscribing to that Yolo philosophy of, look, you only live one. So I'm gonna just do me. And whatever happens after this happens, yeah, to see them switch and to go from that narrow, that Broadway to the narrow path and to see them, like, press forward and to be enter into the kingdom of heaven and their lifetime, for me, like, that is a win. And, like, that is success for me. I think about the parable that the Messiah gave in Luke 15, where he's like, the shepherd will leave the 99 sheep to go for the one, and heaven will rejoice over that one sinner who repents, who engages in repentance and changing the way he thinks, as opposed to these 99 righteous people who don't need to change their mindset. And so for me, man, people that they're, like, successful, is somebody, like, writing me an email where it's like, yoel, you know what? Like, I was listening to the podcast you guys were on, and, man, like, like, I'm really pressing forward to being born again, being born from above, and to be a citizen of heaven and to allow King Yahweh to use my life for his glory and for me to make the environment around me look like heaven for me, that's that success. Seeing souls enter into the kingdom of heaven, and they're within that generation. That's. That is like, that is success for me. [00:34:54] Speaker A: Brother Derek, I heard that, boy. Look, I probably have, like, the same, you know, definition. You know, one is just kind of like, does it kind of being aligned with God, but doing what he, what he called me to do and not leaving anything on the table, as far as being able to get to a place where the mind and the body is connected, where I'm actually aligned, but also being able to live out and basically live up to my potential, my God given potential, and do things where people could say, that wasn't. That wasn't deep wells, that wasn't Derek, that was done, but God. [00:35:49] Speaker D: Right? Because it's because I'm operating on a whole nother level. [00:35:54] Speaker A: And I think when I get to that point, when I'll be able to, I'll be able to recognize it, but I think the impact will be greater, and I think, and I believe I'll definitely be more content because God will be sustaining. So. Yeah, I know, man. We got, we got work to do, brother. We got work to do. [00:36:16] Speaker C: Yes, me too. [00:36:22] Speaker A: So, man, this, you know, since the podcast is all about just helping people, one identify what their, what their passions are, whatever it may be, somebody listening, you know, they have the gifts, they have the ideas, dreams. But for whatever reason, they. They're stuck. What can you share with them, man? Just to get them. Get them motivated and initiate some action. [00:36:52] Speaker C: Man. Wow. For that person, man, that is stuck. And they. They didn't know that. You know, I have this. This gift within me, and I'm supposed to be doing something with it. And, like, I just feel like. Like paralyzed for them, man. Like, I would. I would really and truthfully encourage them to go. Go to the gift giver. Go to the one who gave you that gift and began to talk with him, began to seek him, not. Not so much on a religious level, but to seek him on a relational level. To seek him, because it trips me out, man. It trips me out because I think about it says within scripture how it's amazing. King Yahweh, he is omnipresent. Like, he's everywhere at one time. And King David wrote about how, like, where can I go to flee to run away from your presence? And the book of Jonah cracks me up, because it's like Jonah actually thought that he could get away from the presence of King Yahweh by going on by, like, the king telling him that, all right, I need you to go to Nineveh and preach to them to repent. And he was like, yeah, I'm not doing that. He went the opposite way without his credit card. He swiped the fee to pay to get on the boat, and he was around these sailors, and he was trying to flee from the presence of King Yahweh. But if you know the story, by the end of those four chapters, we see that eventually Jonah had his plan, but the king had his better plan as well. But we have this kenyan creator who. He's everywhere. But he says in scripture to his prophet Jeremiah, that only. Only if you seek me with your whole heart. Only if you seek me in a wholehearted fashion. Because I think that sometimes when it comes to seeking him with our whole heart, I'm realizing that the heart is a hebraism. It's a hebraic idiom for the mind. I wonder if sometimes we only seek. We only seek the creator with our logical mind, the left hemisphere of our brain. But when it comes to, like, we give our creativity to the world and we give our creativity to our job, and we use our creativity for selfish motives and for selfish ambition. For me to be. For me to get this clout or for me to get this. To get. Get this money, or for me to get this influence. When King Yahweh wants us to give our whole mind to him, yes, he wants us to seek him with our logic, the left hemisphere, but he also wants us, wants us to seek him when it comes to our creativity, because he's the creator, but he's also the creative. And so we can, I mean, we can, we can just look around and see how creative he is. And so I would like. I would really submit to that person to begin to seek the person, the king of heaven, who gave you that gift with your whole mind, like, remove all the distractions. Try your best to find a quiet place and to carve out some quiet time with you and the king of heaven. And to seek him. Seek him. Seek him with your whole mind, to seek him not just with the logic of, okay, I have to read scripture, but also seek him. When it comes to your creative pursuits. You may be an artist, or you may sing. Seek him in the midst of writing those song lyrics, or in the midst of doodling or drawing, or in the midst of making that movie. You may be a filmmaker and seek him and ask him to reveal himself to you and to show him, how can I use this gift? How can I stop being paralyzed and get that extra wind beneath my wings to use this gift for your glory. So I will submit to that person to seek the one who gave you that gift, because he's waiting to have a very, like, he's. He's. He's always available for us. I feel like sometimes we. He sent us this whole text message called the Bible, but we leaving him on, on Reed, and I feel like he wants us to, like, scroll and to open up the Bible. And I thought he's like, you know, finally, my child, my son, my daughter, she. They want to have this conversation that I've been waiting to have with them since they were born, essentially, right. [00:42:18] Speaker D: That's good right there. That is good. Cause you have to. [00:42:23] Speaker A: You have to go to the source. You have to go to the source, man. [00:42:29] Speaker D: Y'all heard it first from Mister Yo l. That's right, brother. Man, I appreciate you coming on, man. [00:42:36] Speaker A: And just sharing, sharing all this insight, knowledge. Somebody's life definitely gonna be transformed by this. Absolutely. [00:42:44] Speaker D: You know what I'm saying? [00:42:45] Speaker C: Yeah, man. This, this was a, man, this was an absolute joy and a pleasure it would, man, like, it was a spiritual delight, man. I thank you for this blessed opportunity, brother Derek. And I want to give you your flowers now, my friend. You're doing a phenomenal job, bro, with the podcast. Look for y'all listening on the audio side. Y'all may not be able to see but the visuals are on point. The brother got the. Why not you? The brother got the right microphone. The brother, man. Like, the acoustics are cool. Like. And, like, you have, like, that. That. That. That smooth jazz radio voice, man. Like, it's cool to listen. It's easy to listen to, man. Like. Like, you are doing a thing, bro. I appreciate you, man, and I am excited for people to hear this. And I give. I give all glory to our creator, King Yahweh, and have him for this opportunity, my brother. [00:43:43] Speaker D: That's right, man. I appreciate you so much, man. Thank you. Thank you for coming on. Yeah, yeah. [00:43:50] Speaker A: Hey, this is your host, e. Wells, and I want to thank brother Yoel for coming on the show. He poured his soul into this episode, and you can hear it. You can hear it in his voice, and you can just hear how. How much faith he has, how much resilience he has, his drive to serve and redefine success and just reach that. That. That place where he's actually obtaining personal fulfillment. He's writing, he's podcasting. And those are ways that you could just get whatever it is that's on the inside of you out. Get it out, share it. It's almost like therapy. But I want to thank brother Yoel again just for his time, and I hope you all got something out of it. I know I did. In the meantime, you all have a blessed week. And remember, we cannot become what we need if we remain where we are. God bless. [00:44:43] Speaker B: Thank you for listening to this episode of why not? You remember, have faith and believe in yourself. God does. Also subscribe to our channel and go to our website for more free content and life changing [email protected]. until next time.

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