How to Create a Life Changing 'I Am' Mantra Inspired by Jesus' Words

Episode 48 January 02, 2025 00:19:33
How to Create a Life Changing 'I Am' Mantra Inspired by Jesus' Words
Why Not U
How to Create a Life Changing 'I Am' Mantra Inspired by Jesus' Words

Jan 02 2025 | 00:19:33


Hosted By

Derrick Wells

Show Notes

What if the words you speak about yourself could transform your life? 

In this video, we’re diving into the 12 bold "I Am" statements Jesus made—declarations that shook the world and can completely change the way you see yourself today. Feeling stuck? Lost? Overwhelmed? Jesus declared, “I am the Bread of Life,” “I am the Light of the World,” and “I am the Way, the Truth, and the Life.” These aren’t just words—they’re lifelines for your soul! 

But here’s the exciting part: Jesus didn’t just say these things; He lived them. And if Jesus, the Son of God, spoke power over His identity, how much more should YOU? 

It’s time to create your own "I Am" mantra—one that speaks life, faith, and truth over your journey. I’ll walk you through how to do it step-by-step. By the end of this video, you’ll be declaring with boldness: “I am blessed and living my life with purpose and intention!” 

Let’s speak life. Let’s step into purpose. And let’s do it together. Hit play and let’s go!

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Episode Transcript

[00:00:00] Speaker A: Muhammad Ali. Muhammad Ali said, I am the greatest. I am the greatest of all time. Now do you believe he doubted one second like who he was and what he was capable of achieving? Absolutely not. Absolutely not. So let's get into where I am statements actually originated from and how you're going to become the person God has created you to be. But before I get started, before I get started, I want y'all to say, I am a child of the most high. I am a child of the most high. [00:00:36] Speaker B: Let's get into these. Let's just get into this. [00:00:39] Speaker A: 12 Groundbreaking I am statements of Jesus declarations like so profound that they not only shaped his mission, but continue to transform the lives today. These weren't just words. They are road map to hope, power and a life anchored in truth. So let's uncover these timeless truths that can actually revolutionize your life and my life. Let's get into it. 12 profound statements I am statements revealing the ultimate personal mantra. Jesus, the son of God, pioneered these powerful concepts to transform lives. And I offer hope to humanity. Just by saying the phrase I am, I am is significant. It ties directly to God's self identification. So when you go back to Exodus 3:14, when, when God told Moses, I am who I am now, just by using this phrase, Jesus declared his divine identity and eternal nature. And these statements are more than declarations. They're invitations to experience life through him. So let's dive into these statements. They're, they're meaningful. And I want you guys just to see how Jesus used them as his personal mantra. Number one, I am the bread of life referenced in John 3, 6, 5, 48 and 51. Simply meaning Jesus sustains us spiritually, offering eternal satisfaction. I am red alive. So whoever comes to me will never, will never go hungry. And whoever believes in me will never be thirsty. So being able to recognize Jesus as the ultimate source of sustenance and fulfillment in this world that's just so obsessed with material success is instant gratification. In a time when you have so many people who are just chasing after careers, relationships, possessions for just satisfaction, Jesus reminds us that he can only. He's the only one that can actually truly satisfy our deepest hunger for purpose and peace. Next, I am the light of the world. That's referencing John 8, 8, 12 and 9:5. Jesus basically dispels spiritual darkness and illuminates truth. I am the light of the world. So whoever follows me will never walk in darkness, but will have the light of life. [00:03:34] Speaker B: So what we need to do is. [00:03:35] Speaker A: Just learn how Jesus's light outshines even the brightest smartphone flashlight because spiritual darkness doesn't stand a chance against his divine led. So understand how Jesus reveals his truth and guides us out of that spiritual darkness and offers a light fulfilled with his illuminating presence. Next one. I am the door for the sheep. This goes. This comes From John, John 10, 10, 7 and 9, meaning Jesus is entrance to salvation and safety. So I am the gate. Whoever enters through me will be saved. You need to discover for yourself why Jesus is ultimate doorway to salvation. Because there's no secret password or doorbell cameras required. [00:04:27] Speaker B: You don't see no ring cameras, no nothing. [00:04:29] Speaker A: Jesus just provides us with a secure and path to salvation, offering safety, belonging and eternal life to those who to those who enter through him. I am the good shepherd comes from John 10, 11 and 14. Jesus cares for and protects his followers, even sacrificing his own life form. The question is, would you. Who. Who would you sacrifice your life for at this present time with what you know and what you have and where you are in this phase of your life? I mean, just think about it. But Jesus says, I'm the good shepherd. The good shepherd lays down his life for the sheep. So with Jesus, you'll always be protected, even when you don't feel him, he is there. So the thing is, you just can't allow Satan to play these tricks with your mind, making you feel insignificant and hopeless. If Jesus is your shepherd, he'll never lose you, no matter how far you wander off or how bad your directions are. Jesus. Jesus is deep care and sacral, sacrificial love for his people, his followers. He's always protecting and guiding them, guiding us, you and I, even when we have like this unwavering sense of direction. Next one. I am the resurrection and the life. That's referencing John 11, 25, 26. Jesus has power over life and death, offering internal life to believers. So Jesus says, I am the resurrection and the life. The one who believes in me will live even though they die. You just need to uncover what that looks like and how. Jesus makes death a minor inconvenience because who needs a bucket list? You have eternal life. [00:06:35] Speaker B: You know what I'm saying? [00:06:37] Speaker A: But all you're doing is you're giving up the things that contradict with your values and what God has placed in your heart while making you a new person. Because Jesus, Jesus has power over life and death. And he's providing that hope for eternal life, reassuring the believers, his believers as followers of that ultimate victory. I am. I am the way, the truth, and the life. John 14:6. Jesus is the only path to God, the source of eternal life. So when Jesus says, I am the way and the truth and the life, no one comes to the Father except through me. Jesus is what the original gps, never leading you astray, with no recalculating, none whatsoever. You may wonder, you may wonder why, like, you know why you're going in this direction or why this person has come into your life and now. And sometimes you're, when you have these, these, these notions or these thoughts of like, why. The question of why, without something actually being revealed just kind of leaves you like in this place of when you have to have faith in God that, okay, I know that this just occurred. I wanna, I wanna know why right now. But even though he hasn't given you any insight into this future or why, you just have to remain on that path that God has placed you on and rely on his, his ability to, to guide you and not take you down the wrong path. Your main concern right now is wanting to stay connected. Don't take that wrong exit. Don't take that wrong exit. Even though it looks good. People like, oh, maybe this is where God is leading me. It's not about that. Because later on you will see. And Jesus is the exclusive pathway giver. You know what I'm saying? Next one. I am the true vine. John 15:15. Jesus. Jesus is a source of spiritual vitality essentially. So when we abide in him, it produces fruits. And so you just think about the seeds that you end up sowing in your life. It kind of determines on where you're placing those seeds, right where you're throwing them out. If you throwing them on concrete, that's going to happen. You throwing down and some rich soil. All of a sudden, that soil, with a bit, a little bit of sunlight, some water, begins to nurture and nourish that seed. Then it starts to grow. But Jesus says, I am the vine, you are the branches. If you remain in me and I and you, you'll bear much fruit. You just need to know why you're staying connected to Jesus. Because staying into, staying connected to Jesus is like, like plugging in to that, to that power source. Like the best WI fi ever, right? Yo, yo, spiritual growth that is strong, stable. And when you, when you think of a spiritual WI fi like Jesus man, you ain't never got to worry about any type of buffering jumping off. You don't have to worry about getting some kind of notification through the, to the WI fi company talking about, we're Going to be doing some kind of maintenance in your area. He is the source. You ain't got to worry about that. He'll never cut you off temporarily. So he is your source of power, love, strength, your ability to reason and think, walk, talk, make things happen. So what you need to be doing is expressing some gratitude. So because Jesus is that source of spiritual vitality that leads to a fruitful and purposeful life. Now, I am the Alpha and omega coming from Revelations 22:13. Jesus is eternal, encompassing all time and existence. I am the Alpha and Omega, the first and the last, the beginning and the end. Take some time to understand why Jesus isn't just the beginning and the end, because he is also every letter in between. You hear me spelling out the eternal greatness. He created us, created us with purpose and knows what we're capable of doing. But you need to figure it out before you run out of time. So reflect on Jesus's nature and how and just how 1. Not just thinking about, like just how grateful we are right here, just to be right now, just to be in this life. I mean, you have some people who might be struggling with some things, but Jesus is. Nature trumps all of that. All of that and. And through time and his existence as the ultimate foundation of our faith. You got this, you got this. You got it. I am the first and the last. We're still in Revelations. Revelations 1:17 through 18 and 22:13. Jesus affirms his eternal sovereignty and victory over death. Do not be afraid. I am the last. I am the first and the last. I am the living one. I. I was dead and now look. I am alive forever. Who else do you know that's alive forever? [00:12:43] Speaker B: Jesus is like the ultimate bookend of history. You hear me? [00:12:46] Speaker A: Holding everything together, no matter how messy the middle gets, because we might not live well, we're not going to live together. We're not going to live forever on earth. But what can you do to make your mark in this lifetime that lasts forever? What kind of legacy are you going to leave? Because Jesus's eternal sovereignty and his victory over death gives us the confidence to live without fear. Next one. I am the living one. Revelations 1:18. Jesus overcame death and holds authority over life and the afterlife. So if he says, I am the living one, I was dead and now look, I am alive forever and ever. Jesus turned the ultimate comeback story into a reality, proving that death doesn't get the final word. He raised people from the dead. He healed many, and many thought he was some type of magician performing witchcraft but it's amazing how people can turn good into bad because they don't. They don't or they can't comprehend or explain a phenomenon. How many stories have you just heard where somebody gets into some type of horrific accident when their life should have been taken, but here they are to talk about it? Or someone who gets diagnosed with some type of illness or cancer and they're here to talk about it. We can't explain all these things, but when God intervenes, it makes the unexplainable real. I know that because we just can't explain all that he has has done, but we just know that it's real. And so when we recognize Jesus's victory over death gives us practical hope for every challenge we face today, just reminding us that not all situations are bad, no matter how dire it may appear, is never beyond his power to restore and redeem. So that's one thing I want you guys to know. Here's another one because we had 12, remember we had 12 I am statements and there's many more, but we just tapping on a few. But I am the root and offspring of David. Revelation 22:16 Jesus bridges this prophecy of this this prophecy and fulfillment of both Creator and Savior. I am the root and the offspring of David and the bright and morning star. See how Jesus combines in prophecy, proving he's original connection between the past and the future. Jesus fulfills ancient prophecy as both the Creator of of all and the promised Savior, showing that God's plans are unshakable and timeless and they include us. So walk the path he has for you. If you don't know for certain right now, just read Matthew for how Jesus lived in John to know who Jesus is and mimic his character and weave his values into yours. That's right, because I am the bright morning star. Wow. Jesus symbolizes hope, renewal and promises of a new day. I am the bright morning star. Revelations 22:16 Jesus symbolizes that hope, renewal and the promise of a new day because he said I am the bright morning star. So what you need to do is discover why Jesus is the ultimate alarm clock for your soul, offering that new hope and that renewal long before you actually got out of bed and start sipping on that coffee. Because Jesus represents the dawn of new possibilities and guide and light through our darkest struggles and the promise of eternal renewal for our lives. So if you're going to be that bright morning star, you're going to be impacting those who you come in contact with because of the goodness that you illuminate that's right. So when we think of when we think of mantras today, think of affirmations we repeat to ground ourselves in truth and purpose. Because Jesus I Am statements were more than affirmations. They were declarations of divine identity and mission. These truths defined who he was and what he came to accomplish and how we can actually relate to Him. But here's the key difference. Having a mantra isn't enough. It has to be connected to belief and action. You can't. You just can't declare a truth while harboring doubt. And you can't set a goal while holding on to past failures. Many people make resolutions but are weighed down by the fear of repeating their past mistakes. Jesus lived out his declarations through every action and miracle, embodying the truth of who he was. So he invites us to do the same, to only not declare who we were in him, but to live boldly. Jesus I Am statements continue to echo through our time, offering hope, truth, and life. Let these powerful words remind you of who he is and who you are in Him. As we reflect on these powerful statements of Jesus, what do they inspire in you about your own ministry? Are you living in a way that reflects his sovereignty, his victory and hope? And more importantly, when your time is done, what do you want to be remembered as in the light of his eternal truth? Definitely. Hit me up. I want to know. I would also like to know which one of these I am statements actually resonated most with you. Let me know in the comments below. Don't forget to like and subscribe this video. Share it Share it with somebody that you know that could benefit that you believe that needs to hear it also. This is D. Wells. I'm out. Until next time. Y'all keep your eyes on Jesus. Why not you create your I Am statement Sa.

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