When we think about your Vision for your life, what do you think about? Do you have a plan to conquer and reach Ur vision or are you playing it safe by life you have multiple lives to live? Our Sight can cripple our vision because we tend to focus on what we see, which is our current circumstances, not beyond it. Join me in this episode as I share how God has already predestined you for greatness, and how you must take action to make a plan and create an environment to reach the end.
Let's Go!!!
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Ron Gay is a coach, father and a poet. He has aligned himself with his higher power to identify his purpose and passion.You never...
"As we are liberated from our own fear, our presence automatically liberates others." -Nelson Mandela It's D Wells here and thanks for joining for...
This launch episode provides you with an introduction to Derrick Wells and the inspiration for the formation of Why Not U. Derrick talks about...