5 Ways to Remove the Shackles of Fear—The Key is in Your Hands

Episode 52 February 04, 2025 00:20:18
5 Ways to Remove the Shackles of Fear—The Key is in Your Hands
Why Not U
5 Ways to Remove the Shackles of Fear—The Key is in Your Hands

Feb 04 2025 | 00:20:18


Hosted By

Derrick Wells

Show Notes

Your comfort zone might feel safe, but it’s actually keeping you from the life God has for you. Fear, doubt, and routine can create a mental and spiritual prison—but here’s the truth: you have the key to unlock your next level! In this video, I’ll show you how emotional intelligence helps you recognize what’s keeping you stuck, five ways to step out of your comfort zone, and why fear isn’t your enemy—staying stagnant is. God is calling you forward, and it’s time to move! Joshua 1:9 – “Be strong and courageous. Do not be afraid; do not be discouraged, for the Lord your God will be with you wherever you go.” If fear has been holding you back, this is your sign to step out in faith and trust that God is with you. Hit play, take notes, and let’s break free together! Drop a comment below: What’s one fear you need to surrender today? Let’s talk about it! And don’t forget to LIKE, SUBSCRIBE, and TURN ON NOTIFICATIONS so you don’t miss the next video!

Free Download: Chapter 1 of my new book "How to Crush Emotional Chaos & Walk in Faith"


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Episode Transcript

[00:00:00] If that comfort zone is just like a self made prison. [00:00:04] I don't, I don't mean to be like real harsh or abrupt or, or insensitive to anything, but who said you need to be stuck behind this barrier? Who said that you need to be stuck by this, behind this door? [00:00:20] And the crazy part is you've locked yourself in it. I mean, because you just think about. You have the key when it comes to comfort zones. You have the key, but you won't use it. You're holding yourself back and deep down, you know it. But what if I told you that emotional intelligence is a key to unlocking that door? What if I told you that stepping out is the only way to walk into everything that God has for you? [00:00:46] This is true. This is true. Because there was a time when I kept myself trapped. I was sabotaging my growth, making excuses and just staying stuck in a place that I had outgrown. And for whatever reason, I convinced myself that that, that comfort meant security. But in reality, I was just living. I was living in a prison that I created. And I know, I know deep down I'm not the only one. Because I come across too many people have like these ideas. These, these men, they're so fantastic. And they know that because when they talk about it, it puts a smile on their face. It's like God has just opened up this, this, this magnificent vision in their mind and they, they've been given a glimpse of what they can achieve. But for whatever reason, they're stuck. They don't even want to move. And I know there's some people out there, so some of you might, who are watching this right now might be in that same mental and emotional type of prison. That place where you, you're just stuck and you're staying stuck. [00:01:57] And you have everything within you to actually get out. Everything. You have the power, you have the resources, you have the mental capacity to carry things up. You have the, you have the mental, you have the, the physical stamina to withstand. You have the people in your corner who are saying, go, get after it. [00:02:18] But you just need some, you just need some, some other type of encouragement. You need that, that source of motivation that's already within you to kick in. [00:02:30] And you know you need to move forward, but you can't. For whatever reason. It's just that just taking that initial step, that step of faith, encouraged to step out is. It's hard for you. [00:02:43] And you've gotten so used to those limitations that you've, you've even stopped trying. [00:02:50] But I Just want to remind you that God created you for more. And today I'm just going to be talking about how emotional intelligence can actually help you escape that comfort zone and step into your purpose. Because here's a fact. That comfort zone is like a, it's like a, a, it's, it's like, it's straight up like a prison is. You are keeping yourself confined. [00:03:18] You are both the, the prisoner and the jailer. And the scary truth is that no one else is holding you back. You are, you are. You are confined to a space that feels safe, but it's actually a trap. And you have that key, but fear keeps you from using it. And you know you're stuck. But you have convinced yourself that this place of stuckness is just better for you. It's. It's best to be here and not even try to go out and do the things that God has called you do is safer not to bet on yourself and take risk and avoid the, the humiliation or the failure or discomfort. [00:04:04] But one thing I want to share with you, and this is how powerful it is. And I'm not sure if you are, if you're familiar with that, that NAT syndrome, right, where we already know how gnats are. They just fly. They buzz everywhere. They harass you and sometimes they even follow you in this big congregation of theirs. It's like this mass congregation and they just, they just be buzzing everywhere. And, and, and for those people who ride motorcycles or ride bikes, that's just be flying all in your face, right? But you just think about those gnats. They fly freely. But if you get a group of gnats and you confine them to, let's say, a jar and you put a lid over them, now their ability to fly freely is restricted. It's straight up limited. They can only go as high as that, that, that lid that's been placed on that jar. [00:04:57] But this is the, this is the sad part, is that it, it's stymied their growth and so now they adapt it and they think, what's the sense of going higher? I can't go any higher because all I'm do is hit this lid. [00:05:09] That's how, that's how people are when it comes to comfort zones. [00:05:15] And it, and this is a crazy part. When you, if you pull that, that, that lid, if you pull that lid off of yourself, what are you capable of doing? What are you capable of doing? I mean, will you, will you be like the net and won't fly beyond the limits because they've Come they, they just become accustomed to it. Or will you fly because you see the light? You see, you see now I could get some fresh air. Now I have to stay in this jar any longer than in beast and, and be stuck with just sucking up this, this old crusty oxygen, right? [00:05:54] That happens when you actually stay in this comfort zone. You stop believing, which you can become and you stop dreaming. Essentially you might have the dream, but what is that dream going to allude to? Is that dream going to manifest anything significant? [00:06:12] So think about that. The last thing I want you to do is miss out on your potential daily. [00:06:19] Why be like that, Nat, when, when God made you so much bigger, so much more powerful and designed you for greater things. God isn't keeping you stuck. You are. But he's waiting for you to move. So that emotional intelligence is that key. It's that key. It's going to help you recognize and break those patterns that, that keep you stuck. And so here are five ways that EI actually helps you get out of that comfort zone and, and get you unstuck. And the first one is just becoming self aware. Self awareness is just being able to recognize that you're in this mental place where you're just stuck. [00:06:58] You fat. You have to admit that one, you're stuck and you've been keeping yourself stuck. And so here's just a great example of how crazy this is. Is when. When Moseless. When moseless, huh? When Moses freed the Israelites out of Egypt who were once slaves to Pharaoh and he had them and now they're free and they get to a place where now Moses has them going to the desert and God already had, has a place for them. But their mental is, you know, they just, they were always complaining for one, never satisfied. Even though they were free, they felt like they were better off as slaves. They felt like they had a home even though they were in bondage. [00:07:43] That is cold feeling when you feel like your freedom doesn't compare to what you once were in bondage and slavery. [00:07:53] I never want to get to that. But the truth is I was once in that position because I wasn't trusting God. And even though with them, you know, God promised them something better, they refused. [00:08:07] Well, they didn't refuse. They just couldn't comprehend it and they wanted to go back. But another thing is just that self regulation, right? Just overcoming the fears, overcoming the fears that keeps you trapped. Fear is natural, of course, but it's, it's not, it's not a, it's not a way to Actually justify or make an excuse for staying small. [00:08:32] I've come across that often where people just justify their actions or justify not doing something because they don't want to, they don't want to take the risk or man that, that could. That C word is, is a beast. That comfort that. That C word is a beast. So instead of letting fear control you, you got to learn how to just manage those emotions and trust God's process. Even though you don't understand it, no one does. But it's. It's a faith walk and it's just trusting Him. Another thing is that motivation. Find that finding that courage is finding that courage just to use that key to unlock the door or push the door open. [00:09:17] To ask yourself like, do I want to stay locked up or do I want to step into God's best for me? Because your future is waiting on the other side of that fear. It is. I. I 100 guarantee. I promise you it is. I promise you it is. You will not be the same person even if you just initiate one step of faith and do something that you thought was hard. I think that's why so many people go skydiving, jumping out of planes and just parachuting. [00:09:48] It's like one. You're relying on somebody else. If you do. I mean, if you've never done it, of course you have to rely on somebody else. But just being that high up and traveling at a, At a. At a speed that you're. [00:10:04] I'm not sure I should have actually. If I known I was going to bring this up, I would have actually got some numbers to find out. Like how fast is somebody literally falling down once they jump out of a plane? [00:10:19] I don't know. I don't know. But I know it's fast, but it's. It's one of those things where you actually overcome that fear. [00:10:28] But another thing is just that empathy, right? Just knowing that you're not alone. Because everyone, everyone struggles with some fear, some doubt. Even some of the greatest leaders, you know, before they even get on stage and speak or they're. They're tasked with a new assignment, they. They have to address a new issue or problem. It's just one of those things. And what I think about when I just think about Jesus and how he felt when he knew that he was going to the cross. Well, he already, he knew that he was already going, but when that time actually came and he's like, father, take this cup away from me. [00:11:07] If it's your will, let it pass me by. [00:11:12] But he also Said, if it's your will for me to go, I'll go. But he asked the Father because he knew that he was about to experience some pain, some discomfort, some anguish, and he was sorrowful. [00:11:24] But sometimes we can get that same way with whatever it is God has us to do. But think about Jesus. He didn't let. He didn't let that stop him from fulfilling his purpose. [00:11:36] And so you think about the social skills also. Just surrounding yourself with people who will push you to grow. If you hang around people who are comfortable, guess what? You're going to stay stuck. [00:11:47] Who wants that? That's why you need to find mentors, find a faith community, accountability partner who wants to. Who wants to push you in elevation and not let you shrink back. [00:12:00] So how. How are you going to step out of this discomfort zone? 1. You have to acknowledge you have the key. [00:12:08] But you also have to use it to unlock that cage. [00:12:12] Unlock that cage. You have to trust God and don't delay. Just don't delay any further. Just move with purpose, because God has already equipped you. But if you don't move, nothing's going to change. No more excuses. No more waiting for the. For the perfect time, because there is no perfect time. That does not exist. That's just another way of procrastinating. [00:12:36] You are not powerless. You can make a change. Absolutely. Remember, I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me. So if you're. If you're still waiting for a divine email from heaven that says, hey, it's time for you to step out, consider this right here. You'll sign a move, the door is open. Walk through it, push it open, and start stepping. Start stepping. [00:13:04] Started. [00:13:06] Because in Revelations, guess what he says, I have set before you an open door, and no one can shut it. What does that mean? [00:13:16] No one can shut it because the door is open. You just need to find the door. Open that door. That's, that's. That's blocking you. Please, I need you to do that. Take one step outside your comfort zone. Fear is like. [00:13:31] Fear is like that. [00:13:34] That. That. That overprotective friend or family member who doesn't get it because they just. Because they live in fear, right? They want you to live in fear also. Oh, baby, don't worry about that dream. That dream is nothing. God don't want you doing that. Yes, God does want you doing that. That overprotective friend or family member who never wants you to take a risk. [00:13:55] Maybe just stay where it's safe. That's all they want, right? And you all Of a sudden, it's just you're going to get to a place. Once you start hearing it, once you start hearing stuff like that, you're going to get to a place where you begin to ask yourself, what if I fail? What if I look ridiculous? [00:14:15] Here's the truth. [00:14:17] Fear loses its grip the moment. The moment you take action. [00:14:23] Because the longer you wait, the scarier seems. But everyone steps forward, right? [00:14:29] Because when you step forward, those. Those fears become smaller. So that's why we need to. We need to do what God told Joshua to do. Be strong and courageous. Don't be afraid. Do not be discouraged. For the Lord, your God will be with you wherever you go. [00:14:48] So you don't have to jump off the deep end. Just take one step. Maybe it's. Maybe that one step is making that phone call or having that. That tough conversation or signing up for that class that you've been neglecting to sign up for. That's going to help you elevate to the next level. It's going to give you some more traction and discipline. Or just maybe speaking up when you normally wouldn't. It's those small steps, right, that leads to the big breakthroughs. [00:15:20] Just don't with this. What is this Scripture, Zechariah, do not despise these small beginnings. For the Lord rejoices to see the work begin. [00:15:31] All he wants you to do is see that. He wants to see that work begin. He wants you to start taking that action. [00:15:39] I'm glad y'all here. Thank you all for coming. Absolutely. I'm glad you're here listening, and I'm glad I'm talking about it. [00:15:48] But listen, remember, even Peter had to take one step out of the boat before he could walk on water. He had to take the step first because if he'd never taken a step, then he would have never known he could walk on water. And I know he did a whole lot more than my dad. Because I know in order for me to walk on water or for it to appear that I'm walking on water, I need a piece of clear plexiglass going across a pool. So I just walk across and be like, I just walked on water. [00:16:20] But listen, when you walk on the water, just don't look down. [00:16:25] Another thing. Stop thinking like a gnat. [00:16:29] Fly higher. Fly higher. So this is the thing. Gnats, they have wings, but they act like they don't, especially in that jar, because they were afraid to exceed the limit of the rim once the lid was taken off. [00:16:46] The lid has been removed for You. So let's go. Get out. Get out. Get out of that jar and get some fresh air. Don't remain in solitudes and stuck because you believe that's your limit. [00:16:58] God didn't create you to stay stuck in the same patterns, the same doubts in the same comfort zone. [00:17:08] Stop thinking like a gnat when you're created to soar like an eagle. [00:17:12] No eyes have seen, no ears have heard, and no imit human, human mind has conceived the things that God has prepared for those who love Him. In other words, you haven't even scratched the surface of what God wants you wants you to do and what he can actually do in your life. So why settle? [00:17:34] Why settle? Trust that God is bigger than your fear. [00:17:38] Even though fear has a loud voice. But guess what? God's voice is louder. [00:17:46] And at the root, this is a crazy thing. At the root of your comfort zone is fear of failure, rejection, uncertainty. But God didn't give you the spirit of fear. [00:17:57] So if you have one, it didn't come from Him. [00:18:02] That's the truth. God has not given us a spirit of fear, but of power, love, and a sound mind. [00:18:10] So if fear had its way, guess what? Moses wouldn't have confronted Pharaoh, David wouldn't have slayed Goliath, and Peter would have stayed in the boat. But each of them trusted that God was bigger than their fear. And he is for you also. So trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not into what your own understanding. [00:18:31] Submit to him and he will make your path straight. Yes. [00:18:35] Yes, he will. So what's your next step? [00:18:39] I'm gonna tell you. Get that key. I wish I had a key. [00:18:45] Use it and open the door. Step out and watch God move. [00:18:52] Watch him. And if you feel nervous, just remember, even Jesus's disciples freaked out in the storm and he was literally in the boat with him. So just remember, you're in good company. That comfort zone is a prison. But you have the key. So here's my challenge for you. What's one thing you're going to do today to step out of it? [00:19:15] Step out. Step out of that. Step out of that threshold. [00:19:19] Drop in the comments below. And if you're ready to grow emotionally and spiritually, make sure you subscribe for more videos like this. [00:19:27] Go, let's go. Let's break free. Together we got this. [00:19:33] And another thing, don't forget to take advantage of the offer that I have for you. It's the first chapter of my book, how to Crush Emotional Chaos and Walk in Faith Absolutely free. Get that link. Get that first chapter. Let me know what you think in the comments. I appreciate you guys. I love you guys. Until the next video, y'all have a blessed week. Dwells. I'm out. Why not you open that door? Why not you step out on faith? Why not you trust God so you can be delivered? All right. Amen. Talk to you later. Bye.

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