Episode Transcript
[00:00:00] You ever hear something from God and immediately you think, nah, that can't be for me. That was me in 2016 when I first heard my calling through a spiritual practice called Lecteo Divina. And at this time, I was actually attending Fuller Theological Seminary, and we were going through a spiritual formation class. And at this time, I was like, well, the whole class, really. We were in, like, this deep prayer, seeking clarity. And then all of a sudden, boom. I heard one word that made me want to run the opposite direction.
[00:00:32] That word was evangelism.
[00:00:36] Now, when I heard. When I heard this word, I thought, no, Lord, you have the wrong guy. Evangelism. I'm like, absolutely not. That's for preachers, pastors, people who actually enjoy public speaking, not me. And I felt nervous, I felt anxious. And honestly, I felt like I was a little betrayed. Like God, I was just asking for some type of spiritual guidance, not a whole new job description. But here's the thing. You know, when. When God calls you, he's not asking for your opinion or. Or. Or. Or what matters or how you actually feel. He's actually inviting you into something bigger than yourself.
[00:01:19] And if. If you don't listen, trust me, he will find a way to get your attention. So today I'm just going to share, like, how I actually learn from God or learn to hear from God, but also give you two to three simple ways that you can actually actually. Three ways that you can actually. That you can actually hear from him, and then the benefits of just listening when he speaks, because if you're anything like I was, you might just be ignoring your calling without even realizing.
[00:01:47] That's real talk.
[00:01:49] So let's talk about how we can actually hear from God and what happens when we do.
[00:01:55] I hope you're ready. Let's go.
[00:01:58] So my story. When I heard. When I heard From God in 2016, I was seeking some direction. I definitely was seeking some clarity. And I had this deep sense that God was calling me to do something bigger, but I had no clue of. Of what that was. And so when our facilitator began to take us on this journey of really finding out what it was, you know, that we wanted to do. And she. She took us on this practice of, you know, like, teo divino, which is all it is, really is. It's an ancient practice of just reading scripture slowly and meditating on it and just listening for God's voice. And so basically, it's just like. It's just like marinating on God's word instead of microwaving it, right? There's, there's no quick fix for it. That's, that's all it is.
[00:02:52] And so we were going through the book of Psalms, Psalm 34, I remember it. And we're, we're going through it, we're reading it, we're looking for themes, words that stick out what God is actually saying or what the author was saying this particular psalm, but also listening with, to what God was speaking.
[00:03:12] And so when we got to the part is like, you know, what is God speaking? And we just spent some time in prayer. All I heard was the word evangelism. And I was like, my first thought was absolutely not. Because I just associated evangelism with standing behind the pulpit preaching of, you know, packed out church. And I wanted no parts of that. And so this is when that, that, that fear and those doubts and those excuses come in, right? It's like you start asking like, God, are you sure?
[00:03:43] Because I think you really got me confused with somebody else. Maybe this message or maybe this, this word right here. Maybe you get me maybe giving me a prophetic sign about this being for, for, for my pastor instead.
[00:03:59] Or maybe this is for Ron, my boy Ron, who's in the class, who's actually a pastor. Now. Maybe you give me a word for him.
[00:04:07] Because I was like, I love you, Lord, and I want to do anything possible for you, but come on now. I told him I was like, I love you, but let me represent you the way I want to represent you. Not, not by you, not by your ways. I mean, I put on a nice T shirt or something like that or a bumper sticker when I was thinking about what God was doing and, and how he had me in this, in this class. It was for a reason. And it was perfect timing because I definitely felt like God was nudging me to do something. And you know, fast forward, you know, the pressure just to obey grew. I knew I had to do something. And so I tried the easiest form of evangelism. Let me get me a T shirt. Let me give me a license plate cover.
[00:04:59] You know, just that, that casually that, that, that casual way of repping God without actually having to talk to anybody. And I thought this was genius.
[00:05:09] Nope. Because God was not impressed. He wanted action. He wanted faith. He wanted me to step into my calling. Not be, not, not, not hide behind some accessories. And that's when I realized God speaks to us in, in ways to challenge our comfort zones.
[00:05:25] And if we're not listening, we just stay stuck in fear and doubt, procrastination.
[00:05:29] And so here are some, some ways that you can actually hear from God.
[00:05:34] Minus did that practice like Teodovino, hearing through scripture. And of course, this, this meth, that practice actually changed my life because it involves you reading, but reading slowly, taking in a passage, meditating on it, and letting it sink in. You know, what is God showing me? What is he saying and then praying, talking to God about, you know, what stood out. But then, of course, you have to be able to, to listen still letting God speak, not just you doing all the talking, but allowing him to speak.
[00:06:13] And this works because God often speaks to us, to us through His Word. And when we slow down and give him space to do so, that's when we really start hearing things. And so you just have to be still and know that he is God. Right? That's what he said in Psalm 46, 10. So if you, if you really want to hear from God and get some clarity, spend some time soaking in that word instead of rushing through it. It's not speed reading, it's spiritual reading. Another way is through that we actually hear from God is just through people and circumstances, right? Sometimes God will send people to confirm what he's already been telling you.
[00:06:58] I mean, have you ever had a stranger or friend that tells you something or says something so deep and it hits you and you know it was meant for you? It's not a coincidence. That's God. It's no different than you just being in, in church and you feel like this. The, the pastor is, or whoever's speaking is just speaking directly to you. Like they know your story, they know everything that's going on inside of you, but they don't know anything. That's just that conviction. That's just God speaking to them about some things that you might need to take care or do.
[00:07:32] And I know for me, I started feeling pressure just to obey. And I hear some sermons or some quotes and have random conversations that all pointed to the same thing, evangelism. And at that point, I thought God really had just hacked my whole life. Like, everything.
[00:07:57] Like, no matter where I was, people or things or whatever it was that I listened to, whether it was on radio, Spotify, YouTube.
[00:08:09] He done hacked everything because every, every song or message was convicting me. And so you have to pay attention to that repetition. If a message keeps showing up, God is trying to get your attention.
[00:08:21] Another thing is just that inner conviction right there, that, that nudge, the persistent nudge.
[00:08:28] And you just, you constantly feel like a pull strong towards something, but you keep ignoring it. That's often God's way of just leading you. And for me, that. That pressure I felt wasn't. It wasn't anxiety. It was.
[00:08:43] It was God nudging me to obey.
[00:08:47] And you just think about all those people like Moses who had excuses, Jeremiah who felt like he was too young. Jonah literally ran away.
[00:08:58] How can you run away from God who's everywhere?
[00:09:03] And this thing when. When God calls you, he doesn't. He doesn't change his mind. He's just going to continue to wait for you to surrender.
[00:09:12] So the more you resist, the louder the pressure gets. Instead of fighting it, ask God, what are you trying to show me?
[00:09:21] And why does this matter? Because what happens is when we actually listen to God, things become better, things become clear.
[00:09:32] It might feel scary, no doubt.
[00:09:36] And that's when that trust in faith, it elevates one. It elevates your. Your faith, and it elevates your confidence in Him. And so when you. When you listen and you hear from just. Just some of the benefits of. Of hearing and listening to God, you get that. That clarity, the direction. And when you hear from him, you. You stop just wandering and wandering aimlessly. I mean, his voice cuts through the confusion, the fear, and the doubt. Because I know when I finally surrendered, things started falling into place. Doors open, connections were made. Our purpose became clear. I had strength and confidence because I know obeying God grows your faith. You start moving in boldness, knowing that you're not doing this alone. And so when I went from fearing evangelism to living it out daily through this means right here, through this platform, not behind some pulpit, but through coaching and content conversations that have peace and fulfillment. Even though it was tough, I mean, because this right here is not easy, especially for. For me, it's like, okay, God, you giving me an assignment, you give me something to do. Let's go.
[00:10:51] Because nothing is more exhausting than running from God's plan. And when we surrender, the peace follows.
[00:11:00] I stopped feeling like I had to figure everything out on my own. I trusted God to lead. And he did reflect on that scripture because it says, when my sheep hear my voice, I know them and they follow me.
[00:11:16] They follow me. God doesn't. He doesn't call the qualified. He qualifies a call.
[00:11:23] So when you think you're. You're inadequate to do something for God, God already knows you.
[00:11:30] He's using.
[00:11:33] He's using what he put into you. Just think about. He's a manufacturer. He's one who made you.
[00:11:39] So he has a guy, he has a manual he knows the ins and outs more than you do.
[00:11:47] So here's my question for you. Are you listening to God's voice, or are you running from it? Are you waiting for that perfect moment, or are you going to step into what he's calling you to do?
[00:11:57] Try the lectio divina this week. Take one scripture, Just sit on it, meditate and pray, and pay attention to what keeps showing up in your life. And pray this simple prayer. God, I want to hear from you clearly. Help me to listen and obey.
[00:12:12] That's it.
[00:12:14] Just do those simple things.
[00:12:17] Now, if this message resonated with you, drop a comment below. Let me know how God is speaking to you. And don't forget to like and share and subscribe. I'll see you in the next video. God bless. D. Wells why not you step into your calling?
[00:12:35] I'm out.